Rocket Singh-Salesman of the Year

Watching Rocket Singh was like eating a simple homemade meal cooked by your mom after years of outside junk. No extra spices, no artificial flavors, fresh ingredients, no unnecessary garnishing. Just an ideal recipe for your appetite made straight from heart.

No recipe can be perfect. Rocket Singh has its own set of flaws. But for me its one of the better movies made in recent times.

The biggest strength of Rocket Singh is its background team. Jaideep Sahni is one of the best script writers in India. And yet again he delivers a super story. The characters are so beautifully etched and the story moves in such a coherent manner that it captivates you from start to end. He is brilliantly complimented by the director Shimit Amin. Agreed he may not have the vision of a Rajkumar Hirani or the flamboyance of Ashutosh Gowarikar but the air of sincerity and earnestness he brings to the board is clearly visible.

Each of the actors of the ensemble were very good and it would be highly unfair to pick out one in particular. It was a thorough team performance with none of them trying to outdo the other.

But what endears you the most is the simplicity and integrity. There could so easily have been an item song, a foreign locale, a toilet humour scene, a preachy speechy scene, some special effects here and there etc, incorporated inside the film to "commercialize" it. But the film makers resisted all this temptation and stuck to the job in hand i.e to tell the viewers a nice story that they can take home.

The film is a lesson to all those so called makers of "brilliant" and "spectacular" cinema (read 2012 and Blue as examples). The first component of film making is story telling. If you cant be faithful to your story no amount of thrills and frills can bail you out.

Ratings: 3.5/5

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